Vision Statement

Our vision is a united community where all people have access to adequate, good quality, and nutritious food; they understand the causes and consequences of hunger and poor nutrition; and they are committed to creating a stronger healthier New Haven.

Our mission is to unite our community in identifying, addressing, and creating positive solutions to food insecurity through:

  • Sharing our stories of our lived experiences

  • Investigating the underlying causes of food insecurity

  • Educating our community and policy-makers

  • Encouraging and supporting community voices

  • Advocating for social and economic justice

Debbie Powell, New Haven witnesses member

“Hi my name is Debbie Powell I want to share with you an awesome organization  I’m a member. It’s called Witnesses to Hunger. It is made up of concern people in our communities who help all people who have food insecurities access to quality and nutritious food. We share our stories of our experiences of lack of food. You would be surprised how many of us have walked in those same shoes some time in our lives. 

The group is respectful of everyone’s circumstances. It soften the stigma of being ashamed of their situation that they are not alone. We empower people to go to food banks, mobile food trucks and other food programs that are available to them at no charge.  We meet the 3rd Saturday of each month at Wilson Library.  Please come to one of our meetings to learn more.”

Wanda Perez, New Haven Witnesses to Hunger member

“Why am I a Witness to Hunger? I know what it’s like not to have enough food for both me and my teenage son. Why am I a Witness to Hunger? Because I think we have got to change the face of hunger. Why am I a Witness to Hunger? Because we have to legislatively end hunger in New Haven! Why am I Witness to Hunger? Because eating is a right and not a privilege.”

Our History


Started in Philadelphia in 2008, Witnesses to Hunger began as a research and advocacy project (within Drexel University’s Center for Hunger-free Communities) that partnered with the real experts on hunger—mothers and caregivers of young children who have experienced hunger and poverty. Through their photographs and stories, Witnesses have become dynamic advocates for their own families and others, and they work towards creating lasting changes on a local, state and national level.

New Haven 

In 2014, three women from New Haven: Kim, Jo-Ann, and Miracle, launched a Witnesses to Hunger site with an exhibit at the New Haven City Hall.  Taking pictures of their communities, gardens, and children the Witnesses open up about their daily struggles to keep food on the table and a roof over their head.


In late 2015, nine organization/agencies throughout the state joined forces to organize Witnesses to Hunger CT, a photovoice project to support the sharing of stories through the photographs of residents to bring visibility to the everyday struggles many encounter trying to make ends meet. In total 15 witnesses were recruited and generously shared their lives, the results of which are highlighted in the following pages.

The photos and corresponding quotes are divided into the overarching themes that resonated from the Witnesses; the need for increased supports for food and nutrition, health and wellness, for adequate and respectful shelter, affordable and accessible transportation and a path to advocacy. It is our hope that these powerful images and words will reinforce the need for substantial policy change to ensure health, success, and hope for our all of our neighbors.

Witnesses to Hunger is a project of the Center for Hunger-Free Communities at the Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health. Witnesses is working to build a movement where people with first-hand experience of hunger and poverty can share their expertise and find strategies to address those struggles, through policy-level change.

Connecticut communities represented in this project include: Amston, Bridgeport, Hartford, Hebron, Manchester, New Haven, New London, Westport, & Woodbridge.